DNA Nanomaterial-Based Sensing Platform for Exosomal miRNA Detection in Disease Diagnosis


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role in regulating gene expression and serve as important biomarkers for molecular diagnostics, prognosis, and personalized medicine. Exosomal miRNAs (exo-miRs) are particularly promising due to their enhanced stability and abundance in exosomes, making them reliable candidates for biomarker discovery. DNA nanomaterial-based biosensing platforms have emerged as a powerful tool for detecting exo-miRs, leveraging their programmable nanostructures, biocompatibility, and exceptional molecular recognition capabilities. These platforms hold significant potential for clinical applications in cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and infectious diseases. Despite advances in exo-miR-based diagnostics, challenges remain in detecting and analyzing multiple targets concurrently at low concentrations in complex biological samples. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the biogenesis of exo-miRs, their expression profiles across various clinical conditions, and their correlations with diseases such as cancer, infections, and neurodegenerative disorders. We also highlight recent advancements in DNA nanomaterial-based detection methods for exo-miRs, discussing both their potential and the obstacles faced in clinical implementation. The successful integration of DNA nanomaterials for exo-miR detection could revolutionize early disease detection, monitoring, and management, ultimately improving healthcare outcomes.

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
20 Dec 2024
06 Feb 2025
First published
07 Feb 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Sens. Diagn., 2024, Accepted Manuscript

DNA Nanomaterial-Based Sensing Platform for Exosomal miRNA Detection in Disease Diagnosis

Z. Zhang, Md. A. Ahamed and D. Yang, Sens. Diagn., 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4SD00373J

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