Issue 2, 2024

Synthetic mucus barrier arrays as a nanoparticle formulation screening platform


A mucus gel layer lines the luminal surface of tissues throughout the body to protect them from infectious agents and particulates. As a result, nanoparticle drug delivery systems delivered to these sites may become trapped in mucus and subsequently cleared before they can reach target cells. As such, optimizing the properties of nanoparticle delivery vehicles, such as their surface chemistry and size, is essential to improving their penetration through the mucus barrier. In previous work, we developed a mucin-based hydrogel that has viscoelastic properties like that of native mucus which can be further tailored to mimic specific mucosal tissues and disease states. Using this biomimetic hydrogel system, a 3D-printed array containing synthetic mucus barriers was created that is compatible with a 96-well plate enabling its use as a high-throughput screening platform for nanoparticle drug delivery applications. To validate this system, we evaluated several established design parameters to determine their impact on nanoparticle penetration through synthetic mucus barriers. Consistent with the literature, we found nanoparticles of smaller size and coated with a protective PEG layer more efficiently penetrated through synthetic mucus barriers. In addition, we evaluated a mucolytic (tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine, TCEP) for use as a permeation enhancer for mucosal drug delivery. In comparison to N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), we found TCEP significantly improved nanoparticle penetration through a disease-like synthetic mucus barrier. Overall, our results establish a new high-throughput screening approach using synthetic mucus barrier arrays to identify promising nanoparticle formulation strategies for drug delivery to mucosal tissues.

Graphical abstract: Synthetic mucus barrier arrays as a nanoparticle formulation screening platform

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Article information

Article type
01 Dec 2023
08 Apr 2024
First published
18 Apr 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Pharm., 2024,1, 218-226

Synthetic mucus barrier arrays as a nanoparticle formulation screening platform

H. Zou, A. Boboltz, Y. Cheema, D. Song, D. Cahn and G. A. Duncan, RSC Pharm., 2024, 1, 218 DOI: 10.1039/D3PM00057E

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