Issue 10, 2024

Quantifying the effect of nanosheet dimensions on the piezoresistive response of printed graphene nanosheet networks


Printed networks of 2D nanosheets have found a range of applications in areas including electronic devices, energy storage systems and sensors. For example, the ability to print graphene networks onto flexible substrates enables the production of high-performance strain sensors. The network resistivity is known to be sensitive to the nanosheet dimensions which implies the piezoresistance might also be size-dependent. In this study, the effect of nanosheet thickness on the piezoresistive response of nanosheet networks has been investigated. To achieve this, we liquid-exfoliated graphene nanosheets which were then subjected to centrifugation-based size selection followed by spray deposition onto flexible substrates. The resultant devices show increasing resistivity and gauge factor with increasing nanosheet thickness. We analyse the resistivity versus thickness data using a recently reported model and develop a new model to fit the gauge factor versus thickness data. This analysis allowed us to differentiate between the effect of strain on inter-nanosheet junctions and the straining of the individual nanosheets within the network. Surprisingly, our data implies the nanosheets themselves to display a negative piezo response.

Graphical abstract: Quantifying the effect of nanosheet dimensions on the piezoresistive response of printed graphene nanosheet networks

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Article type
21 May 2024
29 Jul 2024
First published
31 Jul 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 1774-1784

Quantifying the effect of nanosheet dimensions on the piezoresistive response of printed graphene nanosheet networks

E. Caffrey, J. M. Munuera, T. Carey and J. N. Coleman, Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, 9, 1774 DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00224E

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