Mixed anion control of enhanced negative thermal expansion in the oxysulfide of PbTiO3†
The rare physical property of negative thermal expansion (NTE) is intriguing because materials with a large NTE over a wide temperature range can serve as high-performance thermal expansion compensators. However, the applications of NTE are hindered by the fact that most of the available NTE materials show small magnitudes of NTE, and/or NTE occurs only in a narrow temperature range. Herein, for the first time, we investigated the effect of anion substitution instead of general Pb/Ti-site substitutions on the thermal expansion properties of a typical ferroelectric NTE material, PbTiO3. Intriguingly, the substitution of S for O in PbTiO3 further increases the tetragonality of PbTiO3. Consequently, an unusually enhanced NTE with an average volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion of V = −2.50 × 10−5 K−1 was achieved over a wide temperature range (300–790 K), which is in contrast to that of pristine PbTiO3 (
V = −1.99 × 10−5 K−1, RT–763 K). The intensified NTE is attributed to the enhanced hybridization between Pb/Ti and O/S atoms by the substitution of S, as evidenced by our theoretical investigations. We therefore demonstrate a new technique for introducing mixed anions to achieve a large NTE over a wide temperature range in PbTiO3-based ferroelectrics.