Issue 6, 2024

Optical and scintillation properties of hybrid manganese(ii) bromides with formamidinium and acetamidinium cations


In recent years, hybrid manganese(II) halides (HMHs) have attracted wide attention due to their impressive optical properties, low toxicity, and facile synthetic processibility. Being effective reabsorption-free phosphors, these compounds demonstrate the potential to be used as low-cost solution-processable scintillators. However, most of the HMHs studied to date contain bulk organic cations and, as a result, are characterized by low density and low X-ray stopping power. For this reason, we studied manganese(II) bromides with compact organic cations such as formamidinium (FA+) and acetamidinium (AcA+). In particular, we synthesized four new phases, two of which are characterized by octahedral coordination of manganese ions ((FA)MnBr3 and (AcA)MnBr3) and red emission, whereas the other two have tetrahedrally coordinated Mn2+ ions ((FA)3MnBr5 and (AcA)2MnBr4) and green emission. Photoluminescence (PL) and radioluminescence measurements demonstrated high PL quantum yields and reasonable scintillation light yields of acetamidinium-based compounds. In addition, unlike most known HMH-based scintillators, the discovered materials have a relatively high density due to the small fraction of the volume occupied by organic cations, so their X-ray attenuation coefficients are comparable to the well-known oxide scintillators.

Graphical abstract: Optical and scintillation properties of hybrid manganese(ii) bromides with formamidinium and acetamidinium cations

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Article information

Article type
17 Oct 2023
19 Dec 2023
First published
20 Dec 2023

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 2722-2730

Optical and scintillation properties of hybrid manganese(II) bromides with formamidinium and acetamidinium cations

S. A. Fateev, V. Y. Kozhevnikova, K. M. Kuznetsov, D. E. Belikova, V. N. Khrustalev, E. A. Goodilin and A. B. Tarasov, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 2722 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT03452F

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