Issue 11, 2024

Electrochemically-driven actuators: from materials to mechanisms and from performance to applications


Soft actuators, pivotal for converting external energy into mechanical motion, have become increasingly vital in a wide range of applications, from the subtle engineering of soft robotics to the demanding environments of aerospace exploration. Among these, electrochemically-driven actuators (EC actuators), are particularly distinguished by their operation through ion diffusion or intercalation-induced volume changes. These actuators feature notable advantages, including precise deformation control under electrical stimuli, freedom from Carnot efficiency limitations, and the ability to maintain their actuated state with minimal energy use, akin to the latching state in skeletal muscles. This review extensively examines EC actuators, emphasizing their classification based on diverse material types, driving mechanisms, actuator configurations, and potential applications. It aims to illuminate the complicated driving mechanisms of different categories, uncover their underlying connections, and reveal the interdependencies among materials, mechanisms, and performances. We conduct an in-depth analysis of both conventional and emerging EC actuator materials, casting a forward-looking lens on their trajectories and pinpointing areas ready for innovation and performance enhancement strategies. We also navigate through the challenges and opportunities within the field, including optimizing current materials, exploring new materials, and scaling up production processes. Overall, this review aims to provide a scientifically robust narrative that captures the current state of EC actuators and sets a trajectory for future innovation in this rapidly advancing field.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemically-driven actuators: from materials to mechanisms and from performance to applications

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Review Article
02 Jan 2024
First published
09 May 2024

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024,53, 5956-6010

Electrochemically-driven actuators: from materials to mechanisms and from performance to applications

L. Yang, Y. Zhang, W. Cai, J. Tan, H. Hansen, H. Wang, Y. Chen, M. Zhu and J. Mu, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024, 53, 5956 DOI: 10.1039/D3CS00906H

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