Issue 3, 2024

Molecularly imprinted polymer-coated hybrid optical waveguides for sub-aM fluorescence sensing


The sensitivity of fluorescent sensors is crucial for their applications. In this study, we propose a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)-coated optical fibre–hybrid waveguide-fibre sensing structure for ultrasensitive fluorescence detection. In such a structure, the MIP coated-hybrid waveguide acts as a sensing probe, and the two co-axially connected optical fibres act as a highly efficient probing light launcher and a fluorescence signal collector, respectively. For the dual-layered waveguide sensing probe, the inner hybrid waveguide core was fabricated using a hollow quartz nanoparticle–hybridized polymer composite with a low refractive index, and the outer MIP coating layer possesses a high refractive index. Simulations showed that this dual-layer configuration can cause light propagation from the waveguide core to the MIP sensing layer with an efficiency of 98%, which is essential for detection. To validate this concept, we adopted a popular fluorescent dye, rhodamine B, to evaluate the sensing characteristics of the proposed system. We achieved an extremely low limit of detection of approximately 1.3 × 10−19 g ml−1 (approximately 0.27 aM).

Graphical abstract: Molecularly imprinted polymer-coated hybrid optical waveguides for sub-aM fluorescence sensing

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Article information

Article type
20 Jun 2023
24 Oct 2023
First published
18 Dec 2023

Analyst, 2024,149, 800-806

Molecularly imprinted polymer-coated hybrid optical waveguides for sub-aM fluorescence sensing

Y. Xu, Y. Zhou, H. Luo, H. Li, T. Ni, G. Xu, O. Sugihara, J. Xie and B. Cai, Analyst, 2024, 149, 800 DOI: 10.1039/D3AN01008B

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