Issue 14, 2023

From highly oriented bulk black arsenic phosphorus to well-crystallized exfoliated flakes with enhanced anti-oxidation: precise control upon chemical vapor transport


Black arsenic phosphorus (b-AsP), as a new V group 2D material, is a promising candidate for midwave infrared photodetectors. However, the lack of high-quality b-AsP crystal synthesis strategy greatly hinders the preparation of b-AsP 2D flakes, and the susceptibility to oxidation is also a problematic issue. The lack of high-quality b-AsP synthesis strategy is attributed to the failure to find suitable conditions for the directional growth of the b-AsP (010) crystal plane. Herein, a stable strategy for the synthesis of ∼2 cm highly oriented b-AsP crystals by precise control over vapor transport process was proposed. The XRD diffraction showed that the full width at half maxima was only 0.07° in the (020) peak, and the (010) degree of orientation was up to 455.17, indicating its superior crystal quality. Impressively, the oxygen content on the surface of highly oriented b-AsP flakes was 7.7%, which was much lower than 67.5% and 63.9% of commercial black phosphorus and b-AsP-Control flakes (synthesized by the existing SnI4–Sn system), respectively, suggesting the much higher anti-oxidation property of highly oriented b-AsP. The consistent structure of highly oriented b-AsP and the much higher oxidation resistance of substituted As atoms are the key reasons. Moreover, the characteristics of interlayer synchronous oxidation and surface hydrolysis of b-AsP were firstly revealed, which might provide guidance for the synthesis and application of b-AsP materials.

Graphical abstract: From highly oriented bulk black arsenic phosphorus to well-crystallized exfoliated flakes with enhanced anti-oxidation: precise control upon chemical vapor transport

  • This article is part of the themed collection: #MyFirstJMCC

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Article information

Article type
29 Jan 2023
08 Mar 2023
First published
08 Mar 2023

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023,11, 4683-4693

From highly oriented bulk black arsenic phosphorus to well-crystallized exfoliated flakes with enhanced anti-oxidation: precise control upon chemical vapor transport

J. Song, L. Chai, Y. Liang, H. Wang, Z. Lin, Z. Liu, Y. Liao, X. Lai and C. Peng, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 4683 DOI: 10.1039/D3TC00338H

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