Issue 17, 2023

Achieving high performance organic solar cells with a closer π–π distance in branched alkyl-chain acceptors


Side-chain functional groups have been shown to not only ensure solubility but also influence molecular packing behavior, and side-chain modification is an important strategy in the optimization of photovoltaic performance. Instead of focusing on the size of the alkyl side chains, we have investigated the influence of side-chain configurations on the properties of acceptors and organic solar cells (OSCs). Two acceptor molecules, BTIC-TCl-b and BTIC-TCl-l were designed by changing the linear configuration of alkyl chain substituents on thiophene rings to a branched structure. The results show that the branched configuration of the side-chain can significantly improve the planarity and reduce the π⋯π distances, leading to a more compact 3D-network structure. With the polymer donor PBDB-TF, an outstanding power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 16.17% was achieved by BTIC-TCl-b, which is significantly higher than that found with BTIC-TCl-l. Our study offers new insights for side-chain modification, regulation of the aggregation state, and optimization of photovoltaic performance.

Graphical abstract: Achieving high performance organic solar cells with a closer π–π distance in branched alkyl-chain acceptors

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Article information

Article type
20 Feb 2023
27 Mar 2023
First published
28 Mar 2023

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023,11, 9538-9545

Achieving high performance organic solar cells with a closer π–π distance in branched alkyl-chain acceptors

P. Tan, C. Cao, Y. Cheng, H. Chen, H. Lai, Y. Zhu, L. Han, J. Qu, N. Zheng, Y. Zhang and F. He, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 9538 DOI: 10.1039/D3TA01049J

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