Issue 25, 2023

Sequence controlled secondary structure is important for the site-selectivity of lanthipeptide cyclization


Lanthipeptides are ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptides that are generated from precursor peptides through a dehydration and cyclization process. ProcM, a class II lanthipeptide synthetase, demonstrates high substrate tolerance. It is enigmatic that a single enzyme can catalyze the cyclization process of many substrates with high fidelity. Previous studies suggested that the site-selectivity of lanthionine formation is determined by substrate sequence rather than by the enzyme. However, exactly how substrate sequence contributes to site-selective lanthipeptide biosynthesis is not clear. In this study, we performed molecular dynamic simulations for ProcA3.3 variants to explore how the predicted solution structure of the substrate without enzyme correlates to the final product formation. Our simulation results support a model in which the secondary structure of the core peptide is important for the final product's ring pattern for the substrates investigated. We also demonstrate that the dehydration step in the biosynthesis pathway does not influence the site-selectivity of ring formation. In addition, we performed simulation for ProcA1.1 and 2.8, which are well-suited candidates to investigate the connection between order of ring formation and solution structure. Simulation results indicate that in both cases, C-terminal ring formation is more likely which was supported by experimental results. Our findings indicate that the substrate sequence and its solution structure can be used to predict the site-selectivity and order of ring formation, and that secondary structure is a crucial factor influencing the site-selectivity. Taken together, these findings will facilitate our understanding of the lanthipeptide biosynthetic mechanism and accelerate bioengineering efforts for lanthipeptide-derived products.

Graphical abstract: Sequence controlled secondary structure is important for the site-selectivity of lanthipeptide cyclization

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Article type
Edge Article
28 Nov 2022
08 May 2023
First published
09 May 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 6904-6914

Sequence controlled secondary structure is important for the site-selectivity of lanthipeptide cyclization

X. Mi, E. K. Desormeaux, T. T. Le, W. A. van der Donk and D. Shukla, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 6904 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC06546K

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