Issue 3, 2023

Heavy metalla vinyl-cations show metal–Lewis acid cooperativity in reaction with small molecules (NH3, N2H4, H2O, H2)


Halide abstraction from tetrylidene complexes [TbbE(Br)IrH(PMe3)3] [E = Ge (1), Sn (2)] and [Ar*E(Cl)IrH(PMe3)3] gives the salts [TbbEIrH(PMe3)3][BArF4] [E = Ge (3), Sn (4)] and [Ar*EIrH(PMe3)3][BArF4] [E = Ge (3′), E = Sn (4′)] (Tbb = 2,6-[CH(SiMe3)2]2-4-(t-Bu)C6H2, Ar* = 2,6-Trip2C6H3, Trip = 2,4,6-triisopropylphenyl). Bonding analysis suggests their most suitable description as metalla-tetrela vinyl cations with an Ir[double bond, length as m-dash]E double bond and a near linear coordination at the Ge/Sn atoms. Cationic complexes 3 and 4 oxidatively add NH3, N2H4, H2O, HCl, and H2 selectively to give: [TbbGe(NH2)IrH2(PMe3)3][BArF4] (5), [TbbE(NHNH2)IrH2(PMe3)3][BArF4] [E = Ge (7), Sn (8)], [TbbE(OH)IrH2(PMe3)3][BArF4] [E = Ge (9), Sn (10)], [TbbE(Cl)IrH2(PMe3)3][BArF4] [E = Ge (11a), Sn (12a)], [TbbGe(H)IrH2(PMe3)3][BArF4] (13), [TbbSn(μ-H3)Ir(PMe3)3][BArF4] (14), and [TbbSn(H)IrH2(PMe3)3][BArF4] (15). 14 isomerizes to give 15via an 1,2-H shift reaction. Hydride addition to cation 3 gives a mixture of products [TbbGeHIrH(PMe3)3] (16) and [TbbGeIrH2(PMe3)3] (17) and a reversible 1,2-H shift between 16 and 17 was studied. In the tin case 4 the dihydride [TbbSnIrH2(PMe3)3] (18) was isolated exclusively. The PMe3 and PEt3 derivatives, 18 and [TbbSnIrH2(PEt3)3] (19), respectively, could also be synthesized in reaction of [TbbSnH2] with the respective chloride [(R3P)nIrCl] (R = Me, n = 4; R = Et, n = 3). Reaction of complex 19 with CO gives the substitution product [TbbSnIrH2(CO)(PEt3)2] (20). Further reaction with CO results in hydrogen transfer from the iridium to the tin atom to give [TbbSnH2Ir(CO)2(PEt3)2] (21). The reversibility of this ligand induced reductive elimination transferring 20 to 21 is shown.

Graphical abstract: Heavy metalla vinyl-cations show metal–Lewis acid cooperativity in reaction with small molecules (NH3, N2H4, H2O, H2)

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Article type
Edge Article
10 Oct 2022
24 Nov 2022
First published
24 Nov 2022
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 514-524

Heavy metalla vinyl-cations show metal–Lewis acid cooperativity in reaction with small molecules (NH3, N2H4, H2O, H2)

M. Auer, J. Bolten, K. Eichele, H. Schubert, C. P. Sindlinger and L. Wesemann, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 514 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC05620H

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