Issue 12, 2023

An efficient multiparameter method for the collection of chemical reaction data via ‘one-pot’ transient flow


The advent of transient flow methods has increased the efficiency and diversity of reaction data collected through the collection of data series in a wider reaction space, beyond traditionally temporal series. Thus far, these methods have been limited to studying continuous reaction parameters. In this work, transient flow is combined with “one-pot” chemistry (OP-TF) to efficiently collect diverse reaction data on a continuous-discrete multiparameter space, exemplified with the aromatic Claisen rearrangement. Six independent substrates were studied simultaneously, producing data on temperature and substituent effects in a single experiment, extending into the supercritical phase. This data allowed us to extract thermodynamic information and predict kinetic parameters for other substrates accurately, thus allowing synthetic feasibility of a substrate to be assessed a priori.

Graphical abstract: An efficient multiparameter method for the collection of chemical reaction data via ‘one-pot’ transient flow

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Article type
16 Aug 2023
01 Sep 2023
First published
01 Sep 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

React. Chem. Eng., 2023,8, 3196-3202

An efficient multiparameter method for the collection of chemical reaction data via ‘one-pot’ transient flow

L. Schrecker, J. Dickhaut, C. Holtze, P. Staehle, A. Wieja, K. Hellgardt and K. K. (. Hii, React. Chem. Eng., 2023, 8, 3196 DOI: 10.1039/D3RE00439B

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