Issue 13, 2023

Copper-catalyzed ring-opening sulfonylation of cyclopropanols via the insertion of sulfur dioxide toward the synthesis of γ-keto aryl sulfones


A copper-catalyzed three-component sulfonylation reaction that employs cyclopropanols, aryldiazonium tetrafluoroborates, and sulfur dioxide (SOgen) is presented. This protocol provides easy and straightforward access to structurally diverse γ-keto aryl sulfones with good yields, mild reaction conditions, low catalyst loading, and good functional group tolerance. Furthermore, this method was successfully applied in a gram-scale reaction, highlighting its robustness and potential. Preliminary mechanistic experiments suggest that a radical process may be involved in this transformation.

Graphical abstract: Copper-catalyzed ring-opening sulfonylation of cyclopropanols via the insertion of sulfur dioxide toward the synthesis of γ-keto aryl sulfones

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
12 Apr 2023
22 May 2023
First published
23 May 2023

Org. Chem. Front., 2023,10, 3239-3244

Copper-catalyzed ring-opening sulfonylation of cyclopropanols via the insertion of sulfur dioxide toward the synthesis of γ-keto aryl sulfones

L. Shen, X. Zhang and Z. Lian, Org. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 3239 DOI: 10.1039/D3QO00552F

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