Issue 48, 2023

The elusive reaction mechanism of Mn(ii)-mediated benzylic oxidation of alkylarene by H2O2: a gem-diol mechanism or a dual hydrogen abstraction mechanism?


The direct oxygenation of alkylarenes at the benzylic position employing bioinspired nonheme catalysts has emerged as a promising strategy for the production of bioactive arene ketone scaffolds in drugs. However, the structure–activity relationship of the active species and the mechanism of these reactions remain elusive. Herein, the reaction mechanism of the Mn(II)-mediated benzylic oxygenation of phenylbutanoic acid (PBA) to 4-oxo-4-phenylbutyric acid (4-oxo-PBA) by H2O2 was investigated using density functional theory calculations. The calculated results demonstrated that the MnIII–OOH species (1) is a sluggish oxidant and needs to be converted to a high-valent manganese–oxo species (2). The conversion of PBA to 4-oxo-PBA by 2 occurs via the consecutive hydroxylation of PBA to 4-hydroxyl-4-phenylbutyric acid (4-OH-PBA) and the alcohol oxidation of 4-OH-PBA to 4-oxo-PBA. The hydroxylation of PBA proceeds via a novel hydride transfer/hydroxyl-rebound mechanism and the alcohol oxidation of 4-OH-PBA occurs via three pathways (gem-diol, dual hydrogen abstraction (DHA), and reversed-DHA pathways). The regio-selectivity of benzylic oxidations was caused by a strong π–π stacking interaction between the pyridine ring of the nonheme ligand and the phenyl ring of the substrate. These mechanistic findings enrich the knowledge of biomimetic alcohol oxidations and play a positive role in the rational design of new non-heme catalysts.

Graphical abstract: The elusive reaction mechanism of Mn(ii)-mediated benzylic oxidation of alkylarene by H2O2: a gem-diol mechanism or a dual hydrogen abstraction mechanism?

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 Sep 2023
09 Nov 2023
First published
11 Nov 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 18247-18256

The elusive reaction mechanism of Mn(II)-mediated benzylic oxidation of alkylarene by H2O2: a gem-diol mechanism or a dual hydrogen abstraction mechanism?

S. Wang, D. Sun, Z. Wu, Y. Zhao and Y. Wang, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 18247 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT02943C

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