Issue 28, 2023

Controlling product selectivity in oxidative desulfurization using an electrodeposited iron oxide film


Sulfur-containing compounds must be removed from raw fuel oils before use and recently, there has been an effort to identify and optimize a more energy efficient method of oil processing. One promising route is electrochemical oxidative desulfurization (ODS), and in this work, we investigate an electrodeposited iron oxide film (FeOx(OH)y) as a working electrode to catalyze the oxidation of dibenzothiophene (DBT). The FeOx(OH)y film displays unexpected selectivity for the DBT sulfoxide (DBTO)—departing from the catalytic behavior of gold, which favors the dimerization of DBT. In addition, we observe a morphological change within our FeOx(OH)y film from γ-FeOOH to γ-Fe2O3. This change provides insight to the activity of each structure for ODS as the rate of oxidation increases after the incorporation of γ-Fe2O3. Our experimental observations are corroborated with DFT calculations, which suggest that the adsorption energy of DBT on Au is significantly greater than on the FeOx(OH)y, favoring the formation of dimeric and oligomeric products. Calculations also demonstrate that DBT binds preferably in a monodentate configuration but that oxidation occurs via DBT bound via a bidentate configuration. Monodentate binding on γ-FeOOH is significantly stronger than binding on γ-Fe2O, resulting in easier conversation to bidentate binding on γ-Fe2O3.

Graphical abstract: Controlling product selectivity in oxidative desulfurization using an electrodeposited iron oxide film

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Article information

Article type
07 Apr 2023
21 Jun 2023
First published
21 Jun 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 9646-9654

Author version available

Controlling product selectivity in oxidative desulfurization using an electrodeposited iron oxide film

V. Kompanijec, G. M. Repa, L. A. Fredin and J. R. Swierk, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 9646 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT01074K

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