Issue 12, 2023

A robust and porous titanium metal–organic framework for gas adsorption, CO2 capture and conversion


A robust and porous titanium metal–organic framework (Ti-MOF; LCU-402) has been hydrothermally synthesized through combining a tetranuclear Ti2Ca23-O)22-H2O)1.3(H2O)4(O2C–)8 cluster and a tritopic 1,3,5-benzene(tris)benzoic (BTB) ligand. LCU-402 shows remarkable stability and permanent porosity for CO2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, and C2H6 gas adsorption. Moreover, LCU-402 as a heterogeneous catalyst can smoothly convert CO2 under a simulated flue atmosphere into organic carbonate molecules by cycloaddition reactions of CO2 and epoxides, indicating that LCU-402 might be a promising catalyst candidate in practical applications. We are confident that the identification of a persistent titanium–oxo building unit would accelerate the development of new porous Ti-MOF materials.

Graphical abstract: A robust and porous titanium metal–organic framework for gas adsorption, CO2 capture and conversion

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Article type
29 Sep 2022
20 Feb 2023
First published
21 Feb 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 3896-3906

A robust and porous titanium metal–organic framework for gas adsorption, CO2 capture and conversion

X. Pan, X. Si, X. Zhang, Q. Yao, Y. Li, W. Duan, Y. Qiu, J. Su and X. Huang, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 3896 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT03158B

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