Issue 34, 2023

Simulation of conformality of ALD growth inside lateral channels: comparison between a diffusion–reaction model and a ballistic transport–reaction model


Atomic layer deposition (ALD) has found significant use in the coating of high-aspect-ratio (HAR) structures. Approaches to model ALD film conformality in HAR structures can generally be classified into diffusion–reaction (DR) models, ballistic transport–reaction (BTR) models and Monte Carlo simulations. This work compares saturation profiles obtained using a DR model and a BTR model. The saturation profiles were compared qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of half-coverage penetration depth, slope at half-coverage penetration depth and adsorption front broadness. The results showed qualitative agreement between the models, except for a section of elevated surface coverage at the end of the structure, ‘trunk’, observed in the BTR model. Quantitatively, the BTR model produced deeper penetration into the structure, lower absolute values of the slope at half-coverage penetration depth and broader adsorption fronts compared to the DR model. These differences affect the values obtained when extracting kinetic parameters from the saturation profiles.

Graphical abstract: Simulation of conformality of ALD growth inside lateral channels: comparison between a diffusion–reaction model and a ballistic transport–reaction model

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Article type
21 Apr 2023
09 Aug 2023
First published
10 Aug 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 22952-22964

Simulation of conformality of ALD growth inside lateral channels: comparison between a diffusion–reaction model and a ballistic transport–reaction model

J. Järvilehto, J. A. Velasco, J. Yim, C. Gonsalves and R. L. Puurunen, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 22952 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP01829F

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