Issue 6, 2023

Cyano(fluoro)borate and cyano(hydrido)borate ionic liquids: low-viscosity ionic media for electrochemical applications


The synthesis and detailed characterization of low-viscosity room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) and [BnPh3P]+ salts with the cyano(fluoro)borate anions [BF(CN)3] (MFB), [BF2(CN)2] (DFB), and [BF3(CN)] as well as the new mixed-substituted anion [BFH(CN)2] (FHB) is described. The RTILs with [EMIm]+ or [BMPL]+ as countercations were obtained in yields of up to 98% from readily available alkali metal salts and in high purities that allow application in electrochemical devices. Trends in thermal stability, melting and freezing behavior, density, electrochemical stability, dynamic viscosity, specific conductivity and ion diffusivity have been assessed and compared to those of the related tetracyanoborate- and cyano(hydrido)borate-RTILs. The crystal structure analysis of the [BnPh3P]+ salts of [BFn(CN)4−n] (n = 0–4), [BHn(CN)4−n] (n = 1–3) and [BFH(CN)2] provided experimental access to anion volumina that together with ion molecular mass, electrostatic potential, shape and chemical stability have been correlated to physicochemical properties. In addition, the cytotoxicity of the [EMIm]+-ILs and potassium or sodium salts was studied.

Graphical abstract: Cyano(fluoro)borate and cyano(hydrido)borate ionic liquids: low-viscosity ionic media for electrochemical applications

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Article information

Article type
07 Dec 2022
17 Jan 2023
First published
19 Jan 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 5037-5048

Cyano(fluoro)borate and cyano(hydrido)borate ionic liquids: low-viscosity ionic media for electrochemical applications

J. Riefer, L. Zapf, J. A. P. Sprenger, R. Wirthensohn, S. Endres, A. Pöppler, M. Gutmann, L. Meinel, N. V. Ignat'ev and M. Finze, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 5037 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP05725E

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