Issue 5, 2023

Narrowing the band gap and suppressing electron–hole recombination in β-Fe2O3 by chlorine doping


The effects of halogen (F, Cl, Br, I, and At) doping in the direct-band-gap β-Fe2O3 semiconductor on its band structures and electron–hole recombination have been investigated by density functional theory. Doping Br, I, and At in β-Fe2O3 leads to transformation from a direct-band-gap semiconductor to an indirect-band-gap semiconductor because their atomic radii are too large; however, F- and Cl-doped β-Fe2O3 remain as direct-band-gap semiconductors. Due to the deep impurity states of the F dopant, this study focuses on the effects of the Cl dopant on the band structures of β-Fe2O3. Two impurity levels are introduced when Cl is doped into β-Fe2O3, which narrows the band gap by approximately 0.3 eV. After doping Cl, the light-absorption edge of β-Fe2O3 redshifts from 650 to 776 nm, indicating that its theoretical solar to hydrogen efficiency for solar water splitting increases from 20.6% to 31.4%. In addition, the effective mass of the holes in halogen-doped β-Fe2O3 becomes significantly larger than that in undoped β-Fe2O3, which may suppress electron–hole recombination.

Graphical abstract: Narrowing the band gap and suppressing electron–hole recombination in β-Fe2O3 by chlorine doping

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Article information

Article type
10 Oct 2022
05 Jan 2023
First published
12 Jan 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 3695-3701

Author version available

Narrowing the band gap and suppressing electron–hole recombination in β-Fe2O3 by chlorine doping

G. He, L. Lu, N. Zhang, W. Liu, Z. Chen, Z. Li and Z. Zou, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 3695 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP04723C

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