Issue 90, 2023

Impact of subtle intermolecular interactions on the structure and dynamics of multicomponent supramolecular polymers


Multicomponent supramolecular polymers offer versatile dynamic and functional properties; however, the influence of the monomer chemical structures on their structure-dynamics-function relationship remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the subtle variations in monomer interactions using one monomer and its two dopant derivatives, with functionalization away from the self-assembling core. We systematically investigated their multicomponent supramolecular polymers using a combination of spectroscopy and super-resolution microscopy. Our results highlight the significant impact of the supplementary intermolecular interactions, resulting from the functional motifs located away from the core and present in small quantities, on the microstructure and dynamics. Thus, a comprehensive approach, combining spectroscopy, microscopy, and well-designed experiments, is essential for assessing multicomponent supramolecular polymers. These findings have implications for the rational design of functional multicomponent supramolecular materials.

Graphical abstract: Impact of subtle intermolecular interactions on the structure and dynamics of multicomponent supramolecular polymers

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Article information

Article type
15 Sep 2023
11 Oct 2023
First published
11 Oct 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 13466-13469

Impact of subtle intermolecular interactions on the structure and dynamics of multicomponent supramolecular polymers

J. N. S. Hanssen and S. Dhiman, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 13466 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC04567F

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