Issue 95, 2023

Chemical pressure-induced PtIII–I Mott–Hubbard nanowire, [Pt(en)2I](Asp-Cn)2·H2O (13 ≤ n), detected via polarized infrared spectroscopy


The electronic states of iodo-bridged platinum nanowire complexes have been studied using polarized FT-IR spectroscopy. The N–H symmetrical stretching mode was found to be highly sensitive to the electronic states, distinguishing mixed-valence (MV) and averaged-valence (AV) states. The first Pt(III) nanowire complexes have been realized by the chemical pressures of the counter-anions.

Graphical abstract: Chemical pressure-induced PtIII–I Mott–Hubbard nanowire, [Pt(en)2I](Asp-Cn)2·H2O (13 ≤ n), detected via polarized infrared spectroscopy

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Article information

Article type
31 Aug 2023
26 Oct 2023
First published
01 Nov 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 14118-14121

Chemical pressure-induced PtIII–I Mott–Hubbard nanowire, [Pt(en)2I](Asp-Cn)2·H2O (13 ≤ n), detected via polarized infrared spectroscopy

S. Kumagai, T. Yoshida, H. Iguchi, M. Wakizaka, N. Funakoshi, M. Yamashita and S. Takaishi, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 14118 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC04285E

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