Issue 80, 2023

Activation of robust bonds by carbonyl complexes of Mn, Fe and Co


Metal carbonyl complexes possess among the most storied histories of any compound class in organometallic chemistry. Nonetheless, these old dogs continue to be taught new tricks. In this Feature, we review the historic discoveries and recent advances in cleaving robust bonds (e.g., C–H, C–O, C–F) using carbonyl complexes of three metals: Mn, Fe, and Co. The use of Mn, Fe, and Co carbonyl catalysts in controlling selectivity during hydrofunctionalization reactions is also discussed. The chemistry of these earth-abundant metals in the field of robust bond functionalization is particularly relevant in the context of sustainability. We expect that an up-to-date perspective on these seemingly simple organometallic species will emphasize the wellspring of reactivity that continues to be available for discovery.

Graphical abstract: Activation of robust bonds by carbonyl complexes of Mn, Fe and Co

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
27 Jun 2023
14 Sep 2023
First published
15 Sep 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 11932-11946

Author version available

Activation of robust bonds by carbonyl complexes of Mn, Fe and Co

M. R. Radzhabov and N. P. Mankad, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 11932 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC03078D

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