Issue 37, 2023

Benchmarking of commercial Cu catalysts in CO2 electro-reduction using a gas-diffusion type microfluidic flow electrolyzer


In this work, three commercial Cu catalysts were benchmarked in the CO2RR using a gas-diffusion type microfluidic flow electrolyzer. We showed that commercial Cu could deliver a high FE of near 80% for C2+ product formations at 300 mA cm−2. By tuning the catalyst loading, a high reaction rate of near 1 A cm−2 with a C2+ product FE over 70% was achieved. Our results demonstrated that commercial Cu could achieve similar or better performances compared to many current catalysts by design in the CO2RR using similar electrolyzers. In addition, we showed that high CO reduction reaction (CORR) performance could also be achieved on commercial Cu, and disparities between CO and CO2 electrolysis were discussed.

Graphical abstract: Benchmarking of commercial Cu catalysts in CO2 electro-reduction using a gas-diffusion type microfluidic flow electrolyzer

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Article information

Article type
15 Feb 2023
13 Apr 2023
First published
13 Apr 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 5615-5618

Benchmarking of commercial Cu catalysts in CO2 electro-reduction using a gas-diffusion type microfluidic flow electrolyzer

H. Xiong, J. Li, D. Wu, B. Xu and Q. Lu, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 5615 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC00705G

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