Issue 5, 2023

Method for growing edible Euglena gracilis in an inexpensive medium with tomato juice to a high cell density equivalent to the density in KH medium


This paper proposes a low-cost technology for growing Euglena gracilis using beverages that people consume on a daily basis as a nutrient source. Among the 13 beverages tested, the most suitable one for growing E. gracilis was tomato juice. In four different brands of tomato juice, E. gracilis was grown to a cell density (107 cells per mL) comparable to that in KH medium, a conventional heterotrophic medium. The cost is only 1/6 of KH medium. In addition, growth of 100 times the initial cell density was observed in a medium containing tomato juice even without essential vitamins. Since this method does not use genetic modification or genome editing techniques and animal products, it expands the potential for the use of E. gracilis as a food.

Graphical abstract: Method for growing edible Euglena gracilis in an inexpensive medium with tomato juice to a high cell density equivalent to the density in KH medium

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Article type
07 Jun 2023
11 Aug 2023
First published
14 Aug 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Sustainable Food Technol., 2023,1, 709-721

Method for growing edible Euglena gracilis in an inexpensive medium with tomato juice to a high cell density equivalent to the density in KH medium

K. Yamashita, K. Yamada, K. Suzuki and E. Tokunaga, Sustainable Food Technol., 2023, 1, 709 DOI: 10.1039/D3FB00086A

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