Issue 40, 2022

Giant and reversible photoluminescence modulation based on in situ electric-field-controlled antiferroelectric–ferroelectric phase transition


The electric-field-controlled (E-controlled) photoluminescence (PL) effect in inorganic materials has aroused great interest because of its potential applications in displays, optical communication, and data storage. However, current ferroelectric-type PL materials which show either irreversible or reversible but insufficient PL tunability encounter certain limitations. Herein, a strategy of utilizing the E-induced antiferroelectric–ferroelectric (AFE–FE) phase transition is proposed to achieve a giant and reversible modulation of the PL effect. The feasibility of the strategy is evidenced in Er3+ doped Pb0.96La0.04Zr0.9Ti0.1O3 (PLZT-Er) AFE ceramics, where an alternate E of 80 kV cm−1 can reversibly trigger an ∼30% PL enhancement. Moreover, six nonlinear change sections and two distinguishable PL states are revealed under a cycle of E. This tunability is attributed to the E-induced electric dipole flips and corresponding symmetry changes during the AFE–FE phase transition. Such in situ E-dependent PL modulation suggests a new type of optical–electric coupling mechanism that is fundamentally based on symmetry, which opens up a new approach for multifunctional optoelectronic devices.

Graphical abstract: Giant and reversible photoluminescence modulation based on in situ electric-field-controlled antiferroelectric–ferroelectric phase transition

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Article information

Article type
18 Jul 2022
23 Aug 2022
First published
24 Aug 2022

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10, 14946-14954

Giant and reversible photoluminescence modulation based on in situ electric-field-controlled antiferroelectric–ferroelectric phase transition

Y. Zhang, Y. Huang, W. Xue, X. Wu, C. Zhao, T. Lin, C. Lin and M. Gao, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 14946 DOI: 10.1039/D2TC03018G

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