Issue 12, 2022

π-Conjugated redox-active two-dimensional polymers as organic cathode materials


Redox-active two-dimensional polymers (RA-2DPs) are promising lithium battery organic cathode materials due to their regular porosities and high chemical stabilities. However, weak electrical conductivities inherent to the non-conjugated molecular motifs used thus far limit device performance and the practical relevance of these materials. We herein address this problem by developing a modular approach to construct π-conjugated RA-2DPs with a new polycyclic aromatic redox-active building block PDI-DA. Efficient imine-condensation between PDI-DA and two polyfunctional amine nodes followed by quantitative alkyl chain removal produced RA-2DPs TAPPy-PDI and TAPB-PDI as conjugated, porous, polycrystalline networks. In-plane conjugation and permanent porosity endow these materials with high electrical conductivity and high ion diffusion rates. As such, both RA-2DPs function as organic cathode materials with good rate performance and excellent cycling stability. Importantly, the improved design enables higher areal mass-loadings than were previously available, which drives a practical demonstration of TAPPy-PDI as the power source for a series of LED lights. Collectively, this investigation discloses viable synthetic methodologies and design principles for the realization of high-performance organic cathode materials.

Graphical abstract: π-Conjugated redox-active two-dimensional polymers as organic cathode materials

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
22 Dec 2021
02 Mar 2022
First published
08 Mar 2022
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2022,13, 3533-3538

π-Conjugated redox-active two-dimensional polymers as organic cathode materials

Z. Jin, Q. Cheng, A. M. Evans, J. Gray, R. Zhang, S. T. Bao, F. Wei, L. Venkataraman, Y. Yang and C. Nuckolls, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 3533 DOI: 10.1039/D1SC07157B

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