Issue 45, 2022, Issue in Progress

A green synthesis approach toward large-scale production of benzalacetone via Claisen–Schmidt condensation


Claisen–Schmidt (CS) condensation between acetone and benzaldehyde with NaOH as the catalyst is a well-recognized pathway for the synthesis of benzalacetone (BA). However, this process is compromised by a side reaction, i.e., a second CS reaction between benzaldehyde and the BA product. In this work, we designed a stirring-induced emulsion synthesis technique for the cyclic and scaling-up production of BA with 99 ± 1% selectivity, without the use of surfactants. In this approach, the water-soluble acetone and NaOH were separated from the oil-soluble benzaldehyde by the organic–aqueous phase interface, such that the CS condensation could only be executed at the liquid interface. The just-formed BA molecules diffuse to the interior of the oil solvent, where any subsequent CS post-reaction is rendered negligible, owing to the absence of NaOH. The oil phase containing the BA molecules can be easily separated from the aqueous solution by stopping stirring and undisturbed standing, allowing for a large-scale production protocol. As a proof of concept, over 1 kg of BA was produced in the laboratory with high yield and purity.

Graphical abstract: A green synthesis approach toward large-scale production of benzalacetone via Claisen–Schmidt condensation

Article information

Article type
25 Aug 2022
06 Oct 2022
First published
13 Oct 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 29240-29245

A green synthesis approach toward large-scale production of benzalacetone via Claisen–Schmidt condensation

R. Sun, C. Han and J. Xu, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 29240 DOI: 10.1039/D2RA05320A

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