Issue 6, 2022

Brookite, a sometimes under evaluated TiO2 polymorph


Some of the advancements concerning the study of phase-pure brookite and, especially, brookite-containing TiO2 mixed phases are reviewed. Relevance is given to their prospective photocatalytic applications, where the (positive) effect of the presence of brookite has been demonstrated, especially when solar light is concerned. From the literature, it emerges that, besides the band gap determination, which still requires more detailed studies (band gap values in a wide range are reported), the roles of brookite-containing heterojunctions, of the surface properties (i.e. acidity, redox behaviour, and the presence of coordinatively unsaturated sites), of the particular crystalline structure and of brookite influence on the anatase to rutile transition are crucial for its applications in the field of (solar) photocatalysis and electrocatalysis, but also electrochemical applications (i.e. Li batteries). The need emerges for a deeper understanding of the physico-chemical phenomena underlying their (recently demonstrated) capacity of stabilizing photogenerated electron/hole pairs. In perspective, the development of green synthesis methods to tailor the surface and structural properties of phase-pure brookite and brookite-containing mixed phases could extend their photo- and electrochemical applications.

Graphical abstract: Brookite, a sometimes under evaluated TiO2 polymorph

Article information

Article type
Review Article
14 Dec 2021
20 Jan 2022
First published
26 Jan 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2022,12, 3322-3334

Brookite, a sometimes under evaluated TiO2 polymorph

M. Manzoli, F. S. Freyria, N. Blangetti and B. Bonelli, RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 3322 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA09057G

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