Issue 44, 2022

Solid-state degradation and visual detection of the nerve agent GB by SA@UiO-66-NH2@PAMAM hydrogel


A new sodium alginate (SA) composite hydrogel, SA@UiO-66-NH2@PAMAM, was synthesized by grafting or immobilizing UiO-66-NH2 and PAMAM to the backbone of SA through covalently binding with glutaraldehyde (GLA) for the rapid solid-state degradation of organophosphorus derivatives without any additional auxiliary substances. SA@UiO-66-NH2@PAMAM could also be easily processed into cotton fabric to form a recyclable flexible cotton device, SA@UiO-66-NH2@PAMAM@cotton. Upon introducing the indicator 4-nitro-(dimethyl-tert-butyl) silica ether (P-NSE) to the composite hydrogel system to form a new Gel-1, degradation changes could be measured by using the product of nitrophenol (P-NP) with a yellow color in the gel to monitor the hydrolysis of the nerve agent GB. Therefore, the integrative multifunctional hydrogel Gel-1@cotton with a smartphone as a portable platform was used to realize the real-time monitoring of changes of GB degradation under visible light.

Graphical abstract: Solid-state degradation and visual detection of the nerve agent GB by SA@UiO-66-NH2@PAMAM hydrogel

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Article information

Article type
06 Sep 2022
11 Oct 2022
First published
12 Oct 2022

Polym. Chem., 2022,13, 6205-6212

Solid-state degradation and visual detection of the nerve agent GB by SA@UiO-66-NH2@PAMAM hydrogel

A. Shen, X. Hao, L. Zhang, M. Du, M. Li, Y. Zhao, Z. Li, L. Hou, R. Duan and Y. Yang, Polym. Chem., 2022, 13, 6205 DOI: 10.1039/D2PY01150F

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