Issue 2, 2022

Harnessing intercellular signals to engineer the soil microbiome


Covering: Focus on 2015 to 2020

Plant and soil microbiomes consist of diverse communities of organisms from across kingdoms and can profoundly affect plant growth and health. Natural product-based intercellular signals govern important interactions between microbiome members that ultimately regulate their beneficial or harmful impacts on the plant. Exploiting these evolved signalling circuits to engineer microbiomes towards beneficial interactions with crops is an attractive goal. There are few reports thus far of engineering the intercellular signalling of microbiomes, but this article argues that it represents a tremendous opportunity for advancing the field of microbiome engineering. This could be achieved through the selection of synergistic consortia in combination with genetic engineering of signal pathways to realise an optimised microbiome.

Graphical abstract: Harnessing intercellular signals to engineer the soil microbiome

Article information

Article type
Review Article
29 May 2021
First published
01 Dec 2021

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022,39, 311-324

Author version available

Harnessing intercellular signals to engineer the soil microbiome

J. A. Connolly, W. R. Harcombe, M. J. Smanski, L. L. Kinkel, E. Takano and R. Breitling, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022, 39, 311 DOI: 10.1039/D1NP00034A

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