Issue 11, 2022

Water-soluble diphosphine ligands for rhodium-catalyzed branch-selective hydroaminomethylation of vinyl arenes with anilines in water


Rhodium-catalyzed hydroaminomethylation of various vinyl arenes with anilines has been accomplished using water as an environmentally benign reaction media. This aqueous reaction is facilitated by the water-soluble diphosphine ligands derived from bis(2-(diphenylphosphaneyl)ethyl)amides. The methodology demonstrated a broad scope of substrates and accessed the N-(2-phenylpropyl)anilines in good yields (up to 94%) and high selectivities. Mechanistic studies with a series of competition experiments and isotope labeling revealed the imine hydrogenation reactivity of the catalysts.

Graphical abstract: Water-soluble diphosphine ligands for rhodium-catalyzed branch-selective hydroaminomethylation of vinyl arenes with anilines in water

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Article information

Article type
02 Mar 2022
16 May 2022
First published
24 May 2022

Green Chem., 2022,24, 4420-4424

Water-soluble diphosphine ligands for rhodium-catalyzed branch-selective hydroaminomethylation of vinyl arenes with anilines in water

L. Zhang, Y. Ning, B. Ye, T. Ru and F. Chen, Green Chem., 2022, 24, 4420 DOI: 10.1039/D2GC00802E

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