Issue 2, 2022

Catalytic conversion of glycerol and co-feeds (fatty acids, alcohols, and alkanes) to bio-based aromatics: remarkable and unprecedented synergetic effects on catalyst performance


Glycerol is an attractive bio-based platform chemical that can be converted to a variety of bio-based chemicals. We here report a catalytic co-conversion strategy where glycerol in combination with a second (bio-)feed (fatty acids, alcohols, alkanes) is used for the production of bio-based aromatics (BTX). Experiments were performed in a fixed bed reactor (10 g catalyst loading and WHSV of (co-)feed of 1 h−1) at 550 °C using a technical H-ZSM-5/Al2O3 catalyst. Synergistic effects of the co-feeding on the peak BTX carbon yield, product selectivity, total BTX productivity, catalyst life-time, and catalyst regenerability were observed and quantified. Best results were obtained for the co-conversion of glycerol and oleic acid (45/55 wt%), showing a peak BTX carbon yield of 26.7 C%. The distribution of C and H of the individual co-feeds in the BTX product was investigated using an integrated fast pyrolysis-GC-Orbitrap MS unit, showing that the aromatics are formed from both glycerol and the co-feed. The results of this study may be used to develop optimized co-feeding strategies for BTX formation.

Graphical abstract: Catalytic conversion of glycerol and co-feeds (fatty acids, alcohols, and alkanes) to bio-based aromatics: remarkable and unprecedented synergetic effects on catalyst performance

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Article information

Article type
25 Sep 2021
17 Dec 2021
First published
18 Dec 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Green Chem., 2022,24, 941-949

Catalytic conversion of glycerol and co-feeds (fatty acids, alcohols, and alkanes) to bio-based aromatics: remarkable and unprecedented synergetic effects on catalyst performance

S. He, T. S. Kramer, D. S. Santosa, A. Heeres and H. J. Heeres, Green Chem., 2022, 24, 941 DOI: 10.1039/D1GC03531B

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