Issue 10, 2022

Metalloligand-based coordination polymer embedding the nitrosyl ruthenium complex for photoactive materials with bound nitric oxide


The stability of a photoactivated isonitrosyl state was boosted by confining a pre-designed bicarboxylate ligand with a ruthenium nitrosyl fragment in a 2D metal–organic framework. The novel Zn/Ru-based MOF, {Zn[RuNO(H2O)(inic)2(OH)2]2}·12H2O (inic = isonicotinate), was obtained with enhanced isonitrosyl stability by 30 K (up to 200 K) compared to the related ruthenium-only complex.

Graphical abstract: Metalloligand-based coordination polymer embedding the nitrosyl ruthenium complex for photoactive materials with bound nitric oxide

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Article information

Article type
22 Nov 2021
02 Feb 2022
First published
02 Feb 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 3954-3963

Metalloligand-based coordination polymer embedding the nitrosyl ruthenium complex for photoactive materials with bound nitric oxide

V. Vorobyev, A. M. Cheplakova, E. D. Stolyarova, V. Yu. Komarov and G. A. Kostin, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 3954 DOI: 10.1039/D1DT03943A

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