Issue 2, 2022

Remarkable near-infrared chiroptical properties of chiral Yb, Tm and Er complexes


We carried out a study of absorption (CD) and emission (CPL) chiroptical properties in the NIR region of two sets of Yb, Tm and Er complexes. The two complexes include a D3 symmetric, [TMG-H+]3Ln(BINOLate)3 (Ln = Yb, Tm, Er; TMG = 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidine; BINOLate = 1,1′-bi-2-naphtholate), and a tetrakis, C4 symmetric, CsLn(hfbc)4 (Ln = Yb, Tm, Er; hfbc = 3-heptafluorobutylyrylcamphorate). The lanthanides studied gave access to three discrete energy domains, Yb (900–1040 nm), Tm (1180–1240 nm) and Er (1430–1600 nm) in which the chiroptical activity was assessed using gabs (and glum for Yb complexes). Exceptionally high discrimination between left and right circularly polarised light was observed, with values up to almost the theoretical maximum (±2).

Graphical abstract: Remarkable near-infrared chiroptical properties of chiral Yb, Tm and Er complexes

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Article information

Article type
12 Nov 2021
01 Dec 2021
First published
02 Dec 2021

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 518-523

Remarkable near-infrared chiroptical properties of chiral Yb, Tm and Er complexes

O. G. Willis, F. Zinna, G. Pescitelli, C. Micheletti and L. Di Bari, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 518 DOI: 10.1039/D1DT03843E

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