Issue 16, 2022

Collision-induced dissociation of homodimeric and heterodimeric radical cations of 9-methylguanine and 9-methyl-8-oxoguanine: correlation between intra-base pair proton transfer originating from the N1–H at a Watson–Crick edge and non-statistical dissociation


It has been shown previously in protonated, deprotonated and ionized guanine–cytosine base pairs that intra-base pair proton transfer from the N1–H at the Watson–Crick edge of guanine to the complementary nucleobase prompts non-statistical dissociation of the base-pair system, and the dissociation of a proton-transferred base-pair structure is kinetically more favored than that of the starting, conventional base-pair structure. However, the fundamental chemistry underlying this anomalous and intriguing kinetics has not been completely revealed, which warrants the examination of more base-pair systems in different structural contexts in order to derive a generalized base-pair structure–kinetics correlation. The purpose of the present work is to expand the investigation to the non-canonical homodimeric and heterodimeric radical cations of 9-methylguanine (9MG) and 9-methyl-8-oxoguanine (9MOG), i.e., [9MG·9MG]˙+, [9MOG·9MG]˙+ and [9MOG·9MOG]˙+. Experimentally, collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry coupled with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source was used for the formation of base-pair radical cations, followed by detection of dissociation product ions and cross sections in the collisions with Xe gas under single ion–molecule collision conditions and as a function of the center-of-mass collision energy. Computationally, density functional theory and coupled cluster theory were used to calculate and identify probable base-pair structures and intra-base pair proton transfer and hydrogen transfer reactions, followed by kinetics modeling to explore the properties of dissociation transition states and kinetic factors. The significance of this work is twofold: it provides insight into base-pair opening kinetics in three biologically-important, non-canonical systems upon oxidative and ionization damage; and it links non-statistical dissociation to intra-base pair proton-transfer originating from the N1–H at the Watson–Crick edge of 8-oxoguanine, enhancing understanding towards the base-pair fragmentation assisted by proton transfer.

Graphical abstract: Collision-induced dissociation of homodimeric and heterodimeric radical cations of 9-methylguanine and 9-methyl-8-oxoguanine: correlation between intra-base pair proton transfer originating from the N1–H at a Watson–Crick edge and non-statistical dissociation

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
19 Jan 2022
01 Apr 2022
First published
01 Apr 2022

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 9263-9276

Author version available

Collision-induced dissociation of homodimeric and heterodimeric radical cations of 9-methylguanine and 9-methyl-8-oxoguanine: correlation between intra-base pair proton transfer originating from the N1–H at a Watson–Crick edge and non-statistical dissociation

M. M. Moe, J. Benny and J. Liu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 9263 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP00312K

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