Issue 26, 2022

Co-crystallization of red emitting (NH4)3Sc(SO4)3:Eu3+ microfibers: structure–luminescence relationship for promising application in optical thermometry


The (NH4)3Sc(SO4)3:0.005Eu3+ phosphor has been synthesized as rod-like microparticles by crystallization from an aqueous solution. Its crystal structure belongs to the monoclinic system, space group P21/c, Z = 4. An enantiotropic first-order phase transition from monoclinic to high-temperature rhombohedral structure (space group R3c) occurs at 350–355 K and compound decomposition begins only above 573 K. Under 248 nm excitation, the compound exhibits luminescence corresponding to the characteristic 5D07F2 transitions in Eu3+ ions. The absence of an inversion center in the sites occupied by Eu3+ causes a high intensity of spectral lines at 602–642 nm associated with hypersensitive induced electric dipole 5D07F2 transitions. Heating of the (NH4)3Sc(SO4)3:0.005Eu3+ sample to a temperature of 393 K is accompanied by considerable distortion of the Eu3+ coordination by the phase transition, manifesting a gradual increase in the asymmetry ratio (R) between the integral intensities of the lines at 602–642 nm (5D07F2 transition) and at 581–602 nm (5D07F1). When the heating is suppressed, the R level returns to the original value, confirming the reversibility of the structural transformation. A good reproducibility of the obtained R values has been revealed during 4-fold thermal cycling.

Graphical abstract: Co-crystallization of red emitting (NH4)3Sc(SO4)3:Eu3+ microfibers: structure–luminescence relationship for promising application in optical thermometry

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Article information

Article type
06 Apr 2022
22 May 2022
First published
24 May 2022

CrystEngComm, 2022,24, 4819-4830

Co-crystallization of red emitting (NH4)3Sc(SO4)3:Eu3+ microfibers: structure–luminescence relationship for promising application in optical thermometry

L. A. Pasechnik, A. O. Peshehonova, O. A. Lipina, I. S. Medyankina, A. N. Enyashin, A. Yu. Chufarov and A. P. Tyutyunnik, CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 4819 DOI: 10.1039/D2CE00478J

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