Issue 35, 2022

Derivatizing Nile Red fluorophores to quantify the heterogeneous polarity upon protein aggregation in the cell


Protein aggregation in the cell is often manifested by the formation of subcellular punctate structures. Herein, we modulated the solvatochromism and solubility of Nile Red fluorophore derivatives to quantitatively study the polarity inside pathogenic protein aggregates, revealing structure- and protein-dependent polarity heterogeneity.

Graphical abstract: Derivatizing Nile Red fluorophores to quantify the heterogeneous polarity upon protein aggregation in the cell

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Article information

Article type
31 Jan 2022
04 Apr 2022
First published
06 Apr 2022

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 5407-5410

Derivatizing Nile Red fluorophores to quantify the heterogeneous polarity upon protein aggregation in the cell

R. Sun, W. Wan, W. Jin, Y. Bai, Q. Xia, M. Wang, Y. Huang, L. Zeng, J. Sun, C. Peng, B. Jing and Y. Liu, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 5407 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC00629D

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