Issue 30, 2022

Ultra-stretchable ion gels based on physically cross-linked polymer networks


A high-performance ion gel composed of poly(ethyl acrylate-co-acrylic acid-co-sodium acrylate) (P(EA-co-AA-co-AANa)) with a high ionic liquid content was successfully fabricated through a simple solution-casting method. It exhibits excellent mechanical strength owing to the various non-covalent interactions between the polymer chains and the entropic elasticity of the highly entangled polymer networks. By adjusting the polymer composition, the ion gel film can achieve a tensile strain exceeding 6000% or a tensile stress exceeding 2.5 MPa. This ion gel also has the advantages of excellent thermal stability, good transparency, high ionic conductivity, and wide electrochemical window. More importantly, the polymer P(EA-co-AA-co-AANa) is easy to synthesize, the monomer is cheap, and the gel preparation is simple, making it possible to realize large-scale production for broad applications in the fields of motion sensors, gel electrolytes, and flexible displays.

Graphical abstract: Ultra-stretchable ion gels based on physically cross-linked polymer networks

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Article information

Article type
26 Apr 2022
12 Jul 2022
First published
13 Jul 2022

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022,10, 10926-10934

Ultra-stretchable ion gels based on physically cross-linked polymer networks

Z. Tang, D. Liu, X. Lyu, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, W. Yang, Z. Shen and X. Fan, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 10926 DOI: 10.1039/D2TC01721K

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