Issue 9, 2022

Biosynthesis of pyrroloindoline-containing natural products


Covering: up to 2022

Pyrroloindoline is a privileged tricyclic indoline motif widely present in many biologically active and medicinally valuable natural products. Thus, understanding the biosynthesis of this molecule is critical for developing convenient synthetic routes, which is highly challenging for its chemical synthesis due to the presence of rich chiral centers in this molecule, especially the fully substituted chiral carbon center at the C3-position of its rigid tricyclic structure. In recent years, progress has been made in elucidating the biosynthetic pathways and enzymatic mechanisms of pyrroloindoline-containing natural products (PiNPs). This article reviews the main advances in the past few decades based on the different substitutions on the C3 position of PiNPs, especially the various key enzymatic mechanisms involved in the biosynthesis of different types of PiNPs.

Graphical abstract: Biosynthesis of pyrroloindoline-containing natural products

Article information

Article type
Review Article
First published
28 Jun 2022

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022,39, 1721-1765

Biosynthesis of pyrroloindoline-containing natural products

C. Sun, W. Tian, Z. Lin and X. Qu, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022, 39, 1721 DOI: 10.1039/D2NP00030J

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