Issue 38, 2022

Using diketopyrrolopyrroles to stabilize double excitation and control internal conversion


Diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) is a pivotal functional group to tune the physicochemical properties of novel organic photoelectronic materials. Among multiple uses, DPP–thiophene derivatives forming a dimer through a vinyl linker were recently shown to quench the fluorescence observed in their isolated monomers. Here, we explain this fluorescence quenching using computational chemistry. The DPP–thiophene dimer has a low-lying doubly excited state that is not energetically accessible for the monomer. This state delays the fluorescence allowing internal conversion to occur first. We characterize the doubly excited state wavefunction by systematically changing the derivatives to tune the π-scaffold size and the acceptor and donor characters. The origin of this state's stabilization is related to the increase in the π-system and not to the charge-transfer features. This analysis delivers core conceptual information on the electronic properties of organic chromophores arranged symmetrically around a vinyl linker, opening new ways to control the balance between luminescence and internal conversion.

Graphical abstract: Using diketopyrrolopyrroles to stabilize double excitation and control internal conversion

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Article type
01 Aug 2022
16 Sep 2022
First published
19 Sep 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 23279-23288

Using diketopyrrolopyrroles to stabilize double excitation and control internal conversion

M. T. do Casal, J. M. Toldo, F. Plasser and M. Barbatti, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 23279 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP03533B

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