Issue 4, 2022

On-surface products from de-fluorination of C60F48 on Ag(111): C60, C60Fx and silver fluoride formation


By employing diverse surface sensitive synchrotron radiation spectroscopies we demonstrate that the fluorine content of initial C60F48 deposited at room temperature on Ag(111) varies with molecular coverage. At the very early stages of deposition, C60F48 fully de-fluorinates and transforms into C60. Strong indications of silver fluoride formation are provided. The chemical footprint of fluorinated fullerenes emerges at relatively low molecular coverage indicating that the degree of fullerene de-fluorination decreases (from total to partial de-fluorination) as molecules are deposited. Full de-fluorination stops well before the substrate surface is completely covered by fullerenes. At the molecular level, the fluorine loss observed by spectroscopic techniques is supported by scanning tunneling microscopy imaging. Both molecules and metal surface are importantly involved in the process.

Graphical abstract: On-surface products from de-fluorination of C60F48 on Ag(111): C60, C60Fx and silver fluoride formation

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Article type
10 Nov 2021
24 Dec 2021
First published
28 Dec 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 2349-2356

On-surface products from de-fluorination of C60F48 on Ag(111): C60, C60Fx and silver fluoride formation

E. Barrena, R. Palacios-Rivera, A. Babuji, L. Schio, M. Tormen, L. Floreano and C. Ocal, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 2349 DOI: 10.1039/D1CP05146F

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