Issue 13, 2021

Rayleigh–Bénard convection of a model emulsion: anomalous heat-flux fluctuations and finite-size droplet effects


We present mesoscale numerical simulations of Rayleigh-Bénard (RB) convection in a two-dimensional model emulsion. The systems under study are constituted of finite-size droplets, whose concentration Φ0 is systematically varied from small (Newtonian emulsions) to large values (non-Newtonian emulsions). We focus on the characterisation of the heat transfer properties close to the transition from conductive to convective states, where it is well known that a homogeneous Newtonian system exhibits a steady flow and a time-independent heat flux. In marked contrast, emulsions exhibit non-steady dynamics with fluctuations in the heat flux. In this paper, we aim at the characterisation of such non-steady dynamics via detailed studies on the time-averaged heat flux and its fluctuations. To quantitatively understand the time-averaged heat flux, we propose a side-by-side comparison between the emulsion system and a single-phase (SP) system, whose viscosity is suitably constructed from the shear rheology of the emulsion. We show that such local closure works well only when a suitable degree of coarse-graining (at the droplet scale) is introduced in the local viscosity. To delve deeper into the fluctuations in the heat flux, we furthermore propose a side-by-side comparison between a Newtonian emulsion (i.e., with a small droplet concentration) and a non-Newtonian emulsion (i.e., with a large droplet concentration), at fixed time-averaged heat flux. This comparison elucidates that finite-size droplets and the non-Newtonian rheology cooperate to trigger enhanced heat-flux fluctuations at the droplet scales. These enhanced fluctuations are rooted in the emergence of space correlations among distant droplets, which we highlight via direct measurements of the droplets displacement and the characterisation of the associated correlation function. The observed findings offer insights on heat transfer properties for confined systems possessing finite-size constituents.

Graphical abstract: Rayleigh–Bénard convection of a model emulsion: anomalous heat-flux fluctuations and finite-size droplet effects

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Article information

Article type
06 Oct 2020
10 Feb 2021
First published
10 Feb 2021

Soft Matter, 2021,17, 3709-3721

Rayleigh–Bénard convection of a model emulsion: anomalous heat-flux fluctuations and finite-size droplet effects

F. Pelusi, M. Sbragaglia, R. Benzi, A. Scagliarini, M. Bernaschi and S. Succi, Soft Matter, 2021, 17, 3709 DOI: 10.1039/D0SM01777A

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