Issue 48, 2021

Cofactor-assisted three-way DNA junction-driven strand displacement


Toehold-mediated strand displacement is widely used to construct and operate DNA nanodevices. Cooperative regulation of strand displacement with diverse factors is pivotal in the design and construction of functional and dynamic devices. Herein, a cofactor-assisted three-way DNA junction-driven strand displacement strategy was reported, which could tune the reaction kinetics by the collaboration of DNA and other types of stimulus. This strategy is responsive to various inputs by incorporation of the specific sequence into the three-way junction structure. Specifically, the cooperation of multiple factors changes the conformation of the specific domain and promotes the reaction. To demonstrate the strategy, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), HG2+, and pH were used as cofactors to modulate the displacement reaction. The electrophoresis and fluorescence experiments showed that the cooperative regulation of the strand displacement reaction could be achieved by diverse factors using this strategy. The proposed strategy provides design flexibility for dynamic DNA devices and may have potential in biosensing and biocomputing.

Graphical abstract: Cofactor-assisted three-way DNA junction-driven strand displacement

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Article information

Article type
07 Jul 2021
27 Aug 2021
First published
10 Sep 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 30377-30382

Cofactor-assisted three-way DNA junction-driven strand displacement

Y. Jia and Y. Hu, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 30377 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA05242J

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