Issue 4, 2021

Organic dots (O-dots) for theranostic applications: preparation and surface engineering


Organic dots is a term used to represent materials including graphene quantum dots and carbon quantum dots because they rely on the presence of other atoms (O, H, and N) for their photoluminescence or fluorescence properties. They generally have a small size (as low as 2.5 nm), and show good photostability under prolonged irradiation. The excitation and emission wavelengths of O-dots can be tailored according to their synthetic procedure, where although their quantum yield is quite low compared with organic dyes, this is partly compensated by their large absorption coefficients. A wide range of strategies have been used to modify the surface of O-dots for passivation, improving their solubility and biocompatibility, and allowing the attachment of targeting moieties and therapeutic cargos. Hybrid nanostructures based on O-dots have been used for theranostic applications, particularly for cancer imaging and therapy. This review covers the synthesis, physics, chemistry, and characterization of O-dots. Their applications cover the prevention of protein fibril formation, and both controlled and targeted drug and gene delivery. Multifunctional therapeutic and imaging platforms have been reported, which combine four or more separate modalities, frequently including photothermal or photodynamic therapy and imaging and drug release.

Graphical abstract: Organic dots (O-dots) for theranostic applications: preparation and surface engineering

Article information

Article type
Review Article
20 Sep 2020
08 Nov 2020
First published
11 Jan 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 2253-2291

Organic dots (O-dots) for theranostic applications: preparation and surface engineering

A. Shiralizadeh Dezfuli, E. Kohan, S. Tehrani Fateh, N. Alimirzaei, H. Arzaghi and M. R. Hamblin, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 2253 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA08041A

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