Issue 12, 2021

Gold nanoparticle based colorimetric assay of telomerase activity using the cyclic strand displacement reaction


In this work, a novel colorimetric method for the detection of telomerase activity is proposed based on the cyclic strand displacement reaction. Target telomerase firstly generates an extension product, which displaces a single-stranded DNA from a partial DNA duplex. The released DNA probe further hybridizes with another DNA probe and initiates the cyclic strand displacement reaction coupling two hairpin DNA probes. The consumption of these DNA probes destroys the protection of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) from salt-induced aggregation. By observing the color or measuring the UV-vis adsorption spectra, the level of telomerase activity can be evaluated. This method exhibits good sensitivity and provides a new method for telomerase assay for early diagnosis of cancers.

Graphical abstract: Gold nanoparticle based colorimetric assay of telomerase activity using the cyclic strand displacement reaction

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
04 Jan 2021
30 Jan 2021
First published
08 Feb 2021

New J. Chem., 2021,45, 5322-5326

Gold nanoparticle based colorimetric assay of telomerase activity using the cyclic strand displacement reaction

R. Huang, M. Wang, X. Chen, N. Yu and C. Jiang, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 5322 DOI: 10.1039/D1NJ00036E

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