Issue 11, 2021

Zero-dimensional plate-shaped copper halide crystals with green-yellow emissions


Low-cost and eco-friendly metal hybrid materials with zero-dimensional (0D) structures have recently attracted increasing attention owing to their excellent optical properties and wide applications. However, successful examples of 0D structural OIMHs with well-defined dimensions are still quite limited. Here, plate-shaped copper-based halide hybrids, (DTA)2Cu2I4, with 0D structures were successfully prepared by the employment of long alkyl chain molecules. The crystallization features were characterized by X-ray diffraction, and further investigated by theoretical simulations. The investigation on the photophysical properties indicates that 0D crystals show a broadband emission peak at ∼540 nm with a high PLQY of 60%, a long lifetime of 1.84 μs and a large Stokes shift of 210 nm under photo-excitation. The broad emission should be attributed to the self-trapping excitons as determined by the joint experiment-density functional theory studies. Also, the high optical performance and stability endow (DTA)2Cu2I4 with the potential for lighting phosphors by fabricating a white light-emitting diode (WLED) device. Importantly, bright PL at the edge of the plate-shaped crystal was observed, suggesting a typical waveguide behavior in a 2D system. These results validate these 2D crystals as promising luminescent materials for potential optical communication micro-devices.

Graphical abstract: Zero-dimensional plate-shaped copper halide crystals with green-yellow emissions

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Article information

Article type
25 Jan 2021
07 Apr 2021
First published
08 Apr 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Mater. Adv., 2021,2, 3744-3751

Zero-dimensional plate-shaped copper halide crystals with green-yellow emissions

F. Liu, D. Mondal, K. Zhang, Y. Zhang, K. Huang, D. Wang, W. Yang, P. Mahadevan and R. Xie, Mater. Adv., 2021, 2, 3744 DOI: 10.1039/D1MA00061F

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