Issue 4, 2021

Enhanced aminolysis of cyclic carbonates by β-hydroxylamines for the production of fully biobased polyhydroxyurethanes


The aminolysis of five-membered cyclic carbonates, which results in polyhydroxyurethanes (PHUs), is one of the most promising synthetic pathways to achieve isocyanate-free polyurethanes (NIPUs), one of the main industrial challenges over the coming years. This study highlights the higher reactivity of β-hydroxylamines toward cyclic carbonates compared to classical alkylamines through the determination of their reaction rate constants. The key role of the β-OH substituent in the aminolysis was revealed by DFT investigation. Polyfunctional alkylamine and β-hydroxyamine were then used for the synthesis of fully biobased PHU thermosets. The higher reactivity of β-hydroxylamines was confirmed by the gelation time gap between the two formulations studied. After curing, the thermal and thermo-mechanical properties of the thermosets were compared.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced aminolysis of cyclic carbonates by β-hydroxylamines for the production of fully biobased polyhydroxyurethanes

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Article information

Article type
05 Dec 2020
21 Jan 2021
First published
21 Jan 2021

Green Chem., 2021,23, 1678-1690

Enhanced aminolysis of cyclic carbonates by β-hydroxylamines for the production of fully biobased polyhydroxyurethanes

B. Quienne, R. Poli, J. Pinaud and S. Caillol, Green Chem., 2021, 23, 1678 DOI: 10.1039/D0GC04120C

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