Issue 12, 2021

A spin-crossover phenomenon in a 2D heterometallic coordination polymer with [Pd(SCN)4]2− building blocks


Two new two-dimensional (2D) coordination polymers, [FeII(L)2{PdII(SCN)4}] (L1 = 3-(9-anthracenyl)-pyridine (1) and L2 = 4-(9-anthracenyl)-pyridine (2)), were constructed by employing square-planar [Pd(SCN)4]2− building blocks. Compound 1 exhibits a complete spin-crossover (SCO) behaviour under normal atmospheric pressure, and represents the first SCO example in a 2D system containing [Pd(SCN)4]2− units. In contrast, compound 2 only shows paramagnetic behaviour at measured temperatures. It is clear that the fine-tuning of the monodentate ligand can modulate the ligand field and packing fashions, which sheds light on developing new SCO materials.

Graphical abstract: A spin-crossover phenomenon in a 2D heterometallic coordination polymer with [Pd(SCN)4]2− building blocks

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Article information

Article type
24 Jan 2021
23 Feb 2021
First published
24 Feb 2021

Dalton Trans., 2021,50, 4152-4158

A spin-crossover phenomenon in a 2D heterometallic coordination polymer with [Pd(SCN)4]2− building blocks

K. Xie, S. Wu, L. Wang, G. Huang, Z. Ni and M. Tong, Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 4152 DOI: 10.1039/D1DT00244A

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