Issue 67, 2021

Tuning water adsorption, stability, and phase in Fe-MIL-101 and Fe-MIL-88 analogs with amide functionalization


Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) of the MIL series of materials have been widely studied as a result of their high tunability and the diversity of structure types that exist for these typically M3+ containing frameworks. We explored the use of amide-functionalized ligands in the synthesis of Fe-MIL-101 as a means to tune the water stability and water vapor adsorption in this important class of frameworks. We further show that slow leaching of Fe from NdFeB magnets can afford MIL-101 or MIL-88 under various conditions where the phase of the framework is controlled by length of the carbon chains on amide substituents. NdFeB can also be used to prepare these materials at room temperature in the absence of additional metal salts.

Graphical abstract: Tuning water adsorption, stability, and phase in Fe-MIL-101 and Fe-MIL-88 analogs with amide functionalization

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Article information

Article type
20 Apr 2021
14 Jul 2021
First published
14 Jul 2021

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 8312-8315

Author version available

Tuning water adsorption, stability, and phase in Fe-MIL-101 and Fe-MIL-88 analogs with amide functionalization

A. Kuznicki, G. R. Lorzing and E. D. Bloch, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 8312 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC02104D

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