Issue 17, 2021

Collagen and the effect of poly-l-lactic acid based materials on its synthesis


Collagen is an important protein in various biological functions such as providing elasticity and waterproofing to the skin, structural stability to the cells in connective tissues (e.g. tendons, and bone) and stabilisation of atherosclerotic plaques. Collagen as a peptide with a peculiar triple helical structure is majorly composed of glycine and proline amino acids and is synthesised by fibroblasts via intracellular and extracellular mechanisms. Collagen plays an important role in wound healing, bone repair and plaque build-up during atherosclerosis. Various factors such as interleukins, insulin-like growth factor-I, nicotine, and glucose have been shown to influence collagen synthesis. This paper provides an overview of collagen structure, synthesis mechanisms, and the parameters that stimulate those mechanisms. Poly-L-lactic acid as a well-known biocompatible and biodegradable polymer has proved to stimulate collagen synthesis in various physical forms. As such, in this review special emphasis is laid on the effects of poly-L-lactic acid as well as its mechanism of action on collagen synthesis.

Graphical abstract: Collagen and the effect of poly-l-lactic acid based materials on its synthesis

Article information

Article type
Review Article
01 Apr 2021
28 Jun 2021
First published
29 Jun 2021

Biomater. Sci., 2021,9, 5714-5731

Collagen and the effect of poly-L-lactic acid based materials on its synthesis

S. Ray, H. Adelnia and H. T. Ta, Biomater. Sci., 2021, 9, 5714 DOI: 10.1039/D1BM00516B

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